What Is an Inspiring Mission Statement?

happy clients

We believe that a powerful mission statement is a must for all organizations because it articulates and announces to the world why your business exists, what you do, and who you are. This creates successful and happy clients.

Your mission statement is how you introduce yourself to your clients, establish your brand’s credibility, share inspirational values, and showcase the framework for what makes your business unique.

This well-crafted statement brings your organization into focus and unites your client base and employees. Happy clients, all around.

Why You Need a Mission Statement

Your mission statement should accomplish the following:

  • Tell your audience why you exist
  • Showcase what makes your business different from others

Clearly articulating your goals allows you to differentiate your organization from similar companies and show why your business model is unique and your unique strengths compared to your competitors.

Critical elements in a mission statement

As you create your business’ statement, focus on the following:

  1. Value – What value does your organization bring to your employees and customers?
  2. Inspiration – Why should people want to work for or with your company?
  3. Honesty – Make your mission statement factual and true to your business.
  4. Specificity – Tie the statement back to your business.

Tips for coming up with a memorable mission statement

There are a few different schools of thought around what should go into creating a mission statement. However, there are critical do’s and don’ts that can’t be ignored, including:

  • DO use present tense – Your statement should be firmly in the present; who you are and what you do is important to building credibility.
  • DO be concise – Stick to who and what your business is, but keep it brief.
  • DO be holistic – The statement can be kept broad while also being inclusive of your unique client base and team.
  • DON’T limit yourself – Your business may be local now, but you will likely be reaching into a larger market in the future.
  • DON’T be afraid of change– The business world is in constant flux, and if the statement no longer represents your business, it’s okay to redefine what makes your business your business.

You have a Mission Statement, now what?

After you’re confident with what you’ve created, feature your statement in places where others will see it and be inspired by your company values. Make sure your statement is highly visible around your office, on your website, and on marketing material you supply to your customers or employees. Your statement will provide a touchstone for unifying your organization and creating a strong framework for corporate values as well as serving as an anchor to your identity.

Levitate is on a mission. It is to build and foster strong relationships with companies of all sizes and support their continually changing video needs. To learn more about how Levitate can help your brand develop a mission statement video as well as support any upcoming video development needs, contact us today or call (800) 820.6962.