From Awareness to Action: Nonprofit Videos for Every Point of Impact

nonprofit sign, nonprofit videos

In today's digital age, organizations are harnessing the power of nonprofit videos to ignite change and inspire action. With the ability to convey emotions, capture attention, and simplify complex ideas, videos have become an indispensable tool for nonprofit organizations. In this article, we will explore some of the top video types and tips that you can use to effectively communicate your nonprofit's mission, engage your audience, and drive meaningful action.

5 Reasons Nonprofits Need Videos

1. To increase awareness and understanding of your cause

A successful nonprofit needs people to know what their purpose is. Nonprofit videos are an amazing tool to spread awareness and understanding about your cause. They can engage, inspire, and leave a lasting impact on your viewers. These are some tips on using video to get people on board:

  • Have your nonprofit video frame the issue as a solvable problem, offering a hopeful perspective that encourages audience support.
  • Use video to spotlight overlooked issues and trigger conversations on topics your viewers may not have encountered before.
  • To enable a better understanding of your cause's scope, use nonprofit videos to present statistics and data in an easy-to-digest manner.

2. To boost engagement on websites and social media

Boosting website and social media traffic is essential to a nonprofit marketing strategy. This increased visibility can attract more donors and volunteers, ultimately extending the reach and impact of your organization. Here's how you can leverage nonprofit videos to ramp up online traffic:

  • Make your video titles and descriptions clear, concise, and rich in relevant keywords. This will boost your visibility in searches.
  • Promote your nonprofit video through multiple platforms like emails, newsletters, and events to maximize viewership.
  • Produce high-quality videos and keep them fresh. Your audience doesn't want boring, stock-like visuals or an outdated online presence.

3. To raise funds

Videos can genuinely transform your nonprofit's fundraising game. They can convey stories and messages in a way that captivates audiences and encourages donations. In fact, nonprofit videos boost donations, with 57% of viewers donating. Here are tips on how to create them:

  • Explore your creative side and start making videos that resonate with your audience's hearts, not just their wallets.
  • Stir in some extra trust right from the start by showcasing exactly who you are and why your cause matters.
  • Remember to include a powerful call to action at the end of your nonprofit video. Inspire viewers to contribute and make a real difference!

4. To increase outreach and advocacy

Videos are a powerful tool for nonprofits, providing a potent mix of storytelling and visual appeal. They help marshal support, raise awareness, and foster a deeper connection with your mission. Try these tips to make nonprofit videos that increase outreach:

  • Share or make videos with other nonprofits to broaden your audience reach and increase engagement. This partnership could be an effective way to harness additional support.
  • Swap out number-heavy infographics for emotionally compelling and informative nonprofit videos that narrate the issues you're battling.
  • Make a nonprofit video that inspires hope. Optimism can encourage viewers to lend their support to your cause.

5. To engage the target audience

Videos are a compelling tool nonprofits can use to build connections and foster engagement with their audience. They're versatile, easily digestible, and can deeply resonate with your target audience. Read the following tips on how to engage your audience:

  • Engage your audience directly by responding to their comments and messages.
  • Use snappy, informative videos to relay important messages to busy viewers.
  • Dive behind the scenes to show your origins, goals, and drives via video content.

The Top 5 Types of Nonprofit Videos

1. Fundraising Nonprofit Videos

Raising funds is a constant challenge for nonprofit organizations. To create a successful fundraising video, nonprofits must go beyond asking for financial contributions. They need to make a heartfelt connection with their audience, inspiring them to become long-term supporters of the cause.

Try using these video types for fundraising:

Event Videos

These videos are a pivotal promotional tool for nonprofits, bridging the gap between the organization's mission and the public. They offer a dynamic and emotive way to convey your nonprofit's message and cause. Event nonprofit videos can do the following:

  • Convey your mission and values visually.
  • Add personality and authenticity.
  • Offer opportunities for audience engagement.
  • Effectively showcase team members.

Promo Videos

Promotional videos are short content pieces created to promote a specific service, event, or idea to a target audience. They aim to engage, inform, and persuade viewers to take specific action, such as donating, signing up for a service, or attending an event. Promo nonprofit videos have the following advantages:

  • Deliver complex ideas and information in a concise format.
  • Help the audience better understand what they are supporting.
  • Reinforce identity and recognition among viewers.
  • Share easily across multiple platforms.

2. Mission Nonprofit Videos

Mission videos allow your organization to present your mission and the impact of your work in a captivating, narrative-driven medium. These nonprofit videos tell a powerful story about your cause, creating a deep connection with the viewer.

The following video types make amazing mission videos:

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are a fantastic tool for introducing your nonprofit. They are usually only 30-90 seconds long but can effectively unfold your mission to the world and clarify your intended impact. The top features that make explainer nonprofit videos shine include:

  • Provide a quick, effective blurb for your organization.
  • Offer budget-friendly production.
  • Encourage social media engagement and website conversion.
  • Enlighten viewers about the specifics of your work.

About Us Videos

Your audience wants to feel good about the nonprofit they support. These videos give them an inside look into your organization's culture, fostering a connection and deepening their loyalty. Benefits of About Us nonprofit videos include:

  • Focus on what makes your organization unique.
  • Showcases your values.
  • Highlights how your team works together to create results.
  • Builds a personal connection with your audience.

3. Educational Nonprofit Videos

Educational videos are pivotal in ensuring nonprofits communicate their message effectively and efficiently. They simplify complex topics and help your audience gain the knowledge they didn't have before, positioning your organization as a reliable source.

Use the following types of videos to educate your viewers:

Case Study Videos

These nonprofit videos show the usefulness of your organization and can focus on specific aspects of your company. Often, a case study video will feature important company metrics that prove your impact to stakeholders and may feature the overall story of your impact to your cause. Case studies nonprofit videos are useful because they:

  • Turn boring reports into engaging stories
  • Assure stakeholders that their investments are making a difference
  • Introduce tangible, real-world benefits that your nonprofit provides.
  • Increase engagement through relatability.

Long-Form Videos

Long-form videos refer to extended video content that typically lasts 10 minutes to several hours. Unlike shorter promotional videos, long-form nonprofit videos provide more in-depth information, storytelling, and engagement with the audience. Long-form nonprofit videos are great marketing tools because they:

  • Build authenticity.
  • Let you thoroughly explain complex topics.
  • Foster trust and emotional connection with your audience.
  • Allow for webinars, panel discussions, and presentations.

4. Heartstring Nonprofit Videos

Videos that tug at your audience's heartstrings are a go-to for nonprofits. Aiming to create an emotional connection with their audience, they use engaging narratives to inspire empathy. Data shows that these emotional narratives are not only engaging but are highly effective in motivating charitable actions.

The following video types work well as heartstring videos:

Testimonial Video

A testimonial video is an authentic narrative that shares the first-hand positive experiences of a nonprofit's beneficiaries. It's a highly effective tool to showcase your nonprofit's impact. A quality testimonial nonprofit video will:

  • Show genuine human emotion and storytelling
  • Connect with viewers at the deepest level, inspiring them to get involved and share
  • Provide a clear narrative of your nonprofit's intervention.
  • Offer social proof to strengthen audience loyalty

Commercial Video

A commercial video forms an integral component of a nonprofit's campaign. They are strategically crafted to elicit emotion and guide your intended audience toward taking action. Great commercial, nonprofit videos do the following:

  • Make a memorable or emotional impression on the viewer.
  • Frequently appear on streaming platforms and across social media channels.
  • Promote your services or ideas in a way that resonates with viewers.
  • Reach a wide and diverse audience.

5. Training Nonprofit Videos

Training videos can amplify your nonprofit's visibility, making you a trusted and reliable source. They are digestible and easy to follow, making them a huge trend in organizations. People remember what they see and hear. Videos offer both, making training and information retention effective.

Try the following video types for your training videos:

UI Videos

A UI (User Interface) video showcases a digital product's user interface, such as a website, mobile app, or software application. They visually demonstrate how users interact with your interface, highlighting various features, functionalities, and navigation elements. UI nonprofit videos are good for:

  • Clearly demonstrating the user's journey.
  • Helping your audience understand your capabilities and benefits.
  • Explaining how your nonprofit solves specific problems.
  • Catering to different learning styles and preferences.

Internal Video

An internal video is created for an organization's internal audience, such as employees, stakeholders, or partners. These videos are intended to communicate important information, share updates, provide training, and foster a sense of connection within the organization. Use internal videos to:

  • Reduce training costs by providing consistent training materials.
  • Give access at any time and from various devices.
  • Create a sense of connection among employees and volunteers.
  • Highlight the organization's accomplishments and team events.

5 Quick Tips for Making Nonprofit Videos

1. Have A Clear Purpose

Understanding the purpose of your videos is crucial when producing content for nonprofit organizations. Each video is part of an overarching strategy.

Your video goals must align with your nonprofit's ultimate aim, be it inviting volunteers or garnering donations.

Nonprofit videos should resonate with your audience and provoke the correct emotions and responses.

2. Create Emotion

Creating emotion in nonprofit video production is crucial for donor engagement. True stories can build empathy.

Help viewers understand your mission and distinguish your nonprofit from others. Use first-person narrative to help the viewer relate to the character's experience.

Include compelling visuals or heartwarming animations to stir feelings and bring your story to life. Your aim is to inspire support from an understanding perspective.

3. Engage Your Audience

Engaging your audience in your nonprofit video production is key to forging deeper connections and sustaining relationships.

To keep them paying attention, limit your videos to a one-minute maximum. Short, compelling clips hook viewers instantly.

Tailor your content according to relevant dates and events to stay current. Remember, keep it real and keep it engaging.

4. Have a Clear Call to Action

A clear call-to-action (CTA) is your invitation to viewers to donate, volunteer, or share. It's your chance to motivate action.

Keep it straightforward and simple. Use strong verbs like "donate" or "act" and words of urgency like "today" and "now."

Be clear about your need. Ensure your CTA aligns with your mission and emotionally resonates with the viewer.

5. Invest In Quality Video Production

Investing in quality video production can define your nonprofit's image and success. Remember, video production is an investment in your cause.

Quality videos can garner increased traction and offer a significant return on investment. Long-term, a well-produced video can save time and resources by offering a long shelf-life and broad reach.

Investing in professional services guarantees a customized product that reflects your mission authentically and creatively, fostering a stronger relationship with your audience.


Nonprofit videos have the potential to spark "aha!" moments, create meaningful connections, and drive people toward long-term commitment and action. Through fundraising, outreach, recruitment, training, and political action videos, nonprofits can effectively communicate their mission, engage their audience, and inspire change. Embracing the power of visual storytelling, nonprofits can make a lasting impact in their communities and beyond.

Start leveraging the power of nonprofit videos and witness their transformative effect on your organization's mission. Contact Levitate Media to help you get started today!
