2D Animation
From the beginning of moving pictures, 2D animation has reigned as the ultimate storytelling tool. For decades, companies have used characters as a storytelling device, allowing their audience to see themselves in their videos, garnering a better understanding of their product or service. At Levitate, you can explore the full spectrum of creativity from our talented designers and animators. Tell us more about your project, and we’ll start whipping up your masterpiece today.
2D Animation Process
2D animation is typically a 12-15 week process which begins with scripting. A script is like the foundation of your video - everything must be built around it. Once you determine that the messaging is perfect, we’ll begin developing 2-3 styleframes from your script.
A styleframe is a picture that shows you what the rest of your video could look like. You can think of it like a test image - where we can explore what colors, styles, text, characters, and compositions might work best for your video. The overall look and feel of your styleframes will help us craft the rest of your video. We’ll ask for feedback on these styleframes to understand what’s working and what isn’t. Once approved, we’ll take that style and apply it across a full storyboard.
A storyboard is a sequence of static pictures that show you what your whole video will look like. Our goal is to discuss the content of each frame so that any necessary changes can be made before animating. Once approved, it’s time to make it move!
Our animators will begin the process of adding motion to those images. The next delivery you’ll receive is a full version of your video - but we don’t stop there! You’ll have a chance to give us feedback so the final video you receive is exactly as ordered. And voilà! Your video is complete and ready to go!